【FC. HERESY更新情報】
2025.03.03 up
《HERESY会員限定WEBラジオ『RADIO JACK』4月配信分メッセージ募集開始!》
あなたのちょっと恥ずかしい黒歴史をthe GazettEメンバーが供養します! 3放送回勝ち抜いた投稿には特別なステッカーをプレゼント!
リスナーからおすすめしたいアレやコレをthe GazettEメンバーに紹介してください!写真や画像投稿もOK!
意外と知らないあれこれ、知らなくって恥をかいちゃったこと、あなただけが知ってる雑学や豆知識をthe GazettEに教えてください!
これってアリなの?ナシなの?といった疑問・相談・お悩みなどにthe GazettEがズバッとお答えします!
人間は誰しも過ちを犯すもの。そこで、ライトなものからヘビーなものまでリスナーの過ちを告白してもらい、独断と偏見でthe GazettEが有罪か無罪か裁定します!
リスナーから届いた心理テストにthe GazettEが挑戦!様々なテストでメンバーの心理を暴いてください!
RADIO JACKのコーナーはメンバーの独断で決定します。
RADIOページはこちら▷ https://fc-heresy.com/feature/radio
【Send Message for FC. HERESY web radio "RADIO JACK" April!】
RUKI and AOI will be on a recording for a talk for April FC. HERESY.
Send of your messages to join their talk!
Talk 189:broadcast on April 11
Talk 190:broadcast on April 25
<What's theme?>
the GazettE members will introduce your slightly embarrassing black history!
The winner of the three broadcasts will receive a special sticker!
Listeners are invited to introduce what they would like to recommend to the GazettE members! You can send photos or images!
*Please send images from【POSTING MAIL ADDRESS】at the bottom of this page.
There are tons of trivia and knowledge you don't know or you have no idea about.
Tell your own trivia and bits of knowledge to the Gazette members!!
What's yours?
■~ARI NASHI izm~ Is it「Yes way?」OR「No way?」
Is this yes way? or no way? the GazettE member will give you an answer for a question, consultation, troubles etc!
Human beings are the ones who make mistakes.
So, we ask listener to confess the mistakes made in the past, and the band member will judge whether guilty or not guilty based on their opinion!
the GazettE member challenges psychological tests received from the listener!
Please reveal the members' psychology with various tests!
We want the sound which recorded in your daily life from the listener. It`s a quiz the GazettE member will guess what the sound is.
*Send us a voice memo from【POSTING MAIL ADDRESS】at the bottom of this page.
■Collecting a Segment in this program!
Send us your idea for a segment of a program!
New segment will be chosen by the GazettE member in RADIO JACK.
They may choose your idea for a next segment of the program!?
We welcome your free messages too!
*All segment messages will be solicited during the message solicitation period, and randomly reconfigured segments will be included in each broadcast session.
*Segments and submitted messages that are not included in that month's broadcast may be used in the next broadcast. Please understand this in advance.
Collection term:ends March 10(Mon) 12:00(JST)
See RADIO page here▷ https://fc-heresy.com/feature/radio