【HERESY LIMITED 'SIX GUN’S' Performance – Identity Verification Times for Attendees】

2024.05.24 up

For this performance, identity verification will be required for all attendees. As we expect large crowds at the opening, we kindly request your cooperation with the pre-membership verification.

Pre-Membership Verification: Starting at 13:00

Please ensure that each attendee, including any companions, brings their membership card and the following identification documents.

Important Notes:
Member verification is expected to be very busy. If you have not completed your member verification, you may not be able to enter the venue in the order of your ticket number. Please make use of the pre-membership verification.

When attending, please bring the following:
[1] Ticket
[2] Membership card(※1)
[3] Passport

*1 If you purchased the ticket in advance at FC, please present your digital membership card.

At HERESY inc., any act of reselling, transferring tickets, or listing/purchasing on internet auctions is strictly prohibited.

Tickets that have been resold or transferred through auctions or any other methods will not be accepted for entry. Additionally, if it is discovered after entry that the ticket has been resold or transferred, you will be asked to leave immediately, and no refunds will be issued.

In the event of a violation, strict actions, including membership termination, may be taken.

If illegal reselling is discovered, it will be reported in accordance with the Ticket Resales Prohibition Law.

We sincerely ask for your understanding and cooperation.