【MASS "THE FINAL" 日本武道館公演 映像作品のジャケットアートワークが解禁!】
2024.03.10 up

4月17日(水)にリリースされるLIVE DVD & Blu-ray『LIVE TOUR2022-2023 MASS "THE FINAL" LIVE AT NIPPON BUDOKAN』のジャケットアートワークが公開となりました!
2021年5月に発売された10th Album『MASS』を掲げ「LIVE TOUR2021 -DEMONSTRATION EXPERIMENT- BLINDING HOPE」を皮切りに、1年8ヶ月に及んだTOURの終着点となる「LIVE TOUR2022-2023 MASS "THE FINAL"」。
初回生産限定盤には「LIVE TOUR2022-2023 MASS」に密着したドキュメンタリー映像と、迫真のパフォーマンスを収めたLIVE写真が満載の豪華撮り下ろしPhoto Bookを封入。
【MASS "THE FINAL" Nippon Budokan performance video jacketartwork released!】
The jacket artwork for the LIVE DVD & Blu-ray "LIVE TOUR2022-2023 MASS "THE FINAL" LIVE AT NIPPON BUDOKAN" to be released on April 17 (Wed) is now available!
Starting with "LIVE TOUR2021 -DEMONSTRATION EXPERIMENT- BLINDING HOPE" with the 10th Album "MASS" released in May 2021, "LIVE TOUR2022-2023 MASS THE FINAL".
It includes 26 songs in total, including the main program and a double encore.
The limited first edition includes a documentary film closely following "LIVE TOUR2022-2023 MASS" and a gorgeous new photo book full of live photos of the band's true-to-life performance.
Please make reservations at the respective stores to purchase!
▼Click here for details